The cover story of this month's National Geographic magazine is about the return of wolves to the Western United States. The article, appropriate for high school readers, outlines the eradication and reintroduction of wolves to the American west. On the National Geographic website they're offering an interactive map depicting the current dispersal of wolves in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. The map shows the growth of the wolf population since their reintroduction in the 1990's.
The reintroduction of wolves to the Western United States is a good topic of discussion for science classes as well as social studies classes. In my US History classes I've shown Peter Jennings Reporting: In Search of Americaa few times as an example of states' rights versus federal jurisdiction. In the video Jennings interviews Idaho ranchers who opposed the reintroduction of wolves and he interviews wildlife experts who advocated for the reintroduction. The video almost always starts a passionate discussion in class.
Wolves, produced by David Douglas, chronicles some of the scientific and political issues surrounding the reintroduction of wolves to the Western United States.
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