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Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Stop Bullying Now - A Resource for Kids and Adults

Stop Bullying Now is a website for kids and adults developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The full collection of bullying education resources is quite substantial so I'll highlight some of the key features here and let you explore the rest.

Stop Bullying Now features twelve animated webisodes designed to teach students how to recognize bullying and how to respond if they're bullied or if they see someone else being bullied. Stop Bullying Now also features games and quizzes to help students learn to recognize the signs of bullying.

Stop Bullying Now has a large selection of resources for parents and educators. For educators one of the most useful resources is a selection of discussion guides designed to be used after students watch one or more animated webisode. Stop Bullying Now also offers a couple of webcasts (videos) intended to help adults learn more about bullying prevention.

Thanks to Michael Wacker for sharing this great resource on Twitter.

Applications for Education
Stop Bullying Now could be a great resource for elementary school students and possibly middle school students. Stop Bullying Now covers electronic (online and text) bullying as well as in person bullying. In addition to being a good resource for teachers, Stop Bullying Now is a good resource to recommend to parents to use with their children at home.

Here are some related resources that may be of interest to you:
A Thin Line - Digital Safety Education for Teens
Safe Computing Tools for Kids - Windows Based
Learn Internet Safety with Garfield


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