Over the last two days at ACTEM's annual conference I've shared Google Fusion Tables to great response. Many people commented that they had never heard of it, but really liked it and plan to explore it some more on their own. This post is a follow-up to yesterday's conversations. I originally wrote most of this post last winter.
Google Fusion Tables is a neat spreadsheet application that makes it easy to create visualizations of data sets.
Fusion Tables can also be used to create visualizations of data set comparisons. At its most basic level
Fusion Tables can be used to visualize existing data sets with one click. At a deeper level,
Fusion Tables can be used to compare your own data sets and create visualizations of those comparisons. The types of visualizations available include tables, maps, charts, and graphs. As a Social Studies teacher, I really like the map visualization options.
Applications for Education
For the visual learners in your classroom, Google Fusion Tables could be an excellent tool for showing the various ways that data can be interpreted. Fusion Tables also provides students with a fairly easy way to compare their own data sets. Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:Google for Teachers II - Free EbookFree 33 Page Guide - Google for Teachers 12 Resources All Social Studies Teachers Should Try
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