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Friday, 30 December 2011

Most Popular Posts of the Year - #1, My Fake Wall

Like a lot of other people are, I'm taking this week to relax a bit and do some things that I haven't had time for lately. Therefore, all this week I'm rewinding the year with the 25 most-read posts of the year. I hope that those of you who are also on vacation this week, enjoy every moment of it. See you (virtually) in the New Year.

Update: this version of MyFakeWall is no longer working as of August 2013. 

Last summer I shared with you a Google Docs template for creating fake Facebook profiles. That template was designed by Derrick Waddell for his students to use to create Facebook profiles for historical figures. Today, I discovered My Fake Wall which is a tool for creating a fake Facebook wall for a fictitious or historical character.  To create a Fake Wall you do need to register for a My Fake Wall account. Then you can upload images, write wall posts, even create "likes" and comments on fake posts. Click here to see the beginning of the Fake Wall I created for my dog.

Update: A lot of people have asked how to add images or posts to My Fake Wall so I've included a screenshot to accompany the instructions provided by My Fake Wall.

Applications for Education
Creating a fake Facebook page using My Fake Wall could be a fun way for students to publish biographical information about historical figures. Students could also use My Fake Wall to create fake Facebook pages about characters in the novels they read. One of my former colleagues had students do just that with the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird.


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