Breaking News
Wednesday 20 April 2011

Gulf of Mexico One Year Later

Today is the one year anniversary of the start of the Gulf of Mexico BP Oil Spill. One year later the Gulf of Mexico is still recovering. Here are a few resources for learning about the state of the Gulf of Mexico one year after the spill.

CNN Student News leads off today with a segment about the oil spill and the clean up efforts that are still in place.

The New York Times has a four minute video chronicling the efforts of scientists to determine the long-term ecological effects of the oil spill.

The most visually impressive resource about the oil spill is the Atlantic's 39 image photo essay The Gulf Oil Disaster: One Year Later.

On a related note, the Sierra Club film The Day the Water Died, although a bit dated, chronicles the impact of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on the people of Alaska.


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