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Sunday, 1 September 2013

Month in Review - The Most Popular Posts

A motorcycle in Alberta. The owner
was riding it to Alaska.
Good evening from Maine where I am enjoying the long weekend and I hope that you are too. As I do at the end of every month I've put together a list of the most popular posts of the month. First, I must say thank you again to everyone that invited me to their schools and conferences in August. It's a privilege to be invited. Thank you. And thank you to everyone who has recommended me and shared Free Technology for Teachers with others. I couldn't do this without your support.

These are August's most popular posts:
1. 5 Good Places to Find Public Domain Images
2. 100+ Tips for New Teachers
3. A Few Widgets to Consider Adding to Your Classroom Blog
4. Help Students Start Stories With Word Mover
5. 15 Things You Can Do With Edmodo
6. Why I Care That Socrative Just Got $750k and You Should Too
7. Ten Places to Find and Create Data Visualizations
8. 43+ Alternatives to YouTube
9. Three Good Options for Creating Digital Portfolios
10. Science 360 - A Good Collection of Science Videos

Would you like to have me visit your school this year?
Click here to learn more about my professional development services.

Please visit the official advertisers that help keep this blog going.
Practical Ed Tech is the brand through which I offer PD webinars.
Remind 101 offers a free tool for sending text message reminders to students.
Storyboard That offers a great tool for planning stories.
Typing Club offers free typing lessons for students.
Discovery Education & Wilkes University offer online courses for earning Master's degrees in Instructional Media.
Vocabulary Spelling City offers spelling practice activities that you can customize.
MasteryConnect provides a network for teachers to share and discover Common Core assessments. is a provider of free educational games for K-5.
The University of Maryland Baltimore County offers graduate programs for teachers.
Boise State University offers a 100% online program in educational technology.

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