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Monday 7 October 2013

Display Your Instagram Account or a Hashtag on Your Blog

Last night I Tweeted about a WordPress plug-in that displays my Instagram feed on a new blog I'm developing (more about that in a week or so). Shortly after sending that Tweet Rafranz Davis replied with the suggestion of trying SnapWidget which will work on any blog platform.

SnapWidget is a free widget that you can customize to display the pictures from your personal Instagram account or the pictures tagged with a hashtag that you've specified. You can choose how many pictures you want the widget to display, how big the picture previews should be, and customize the borders around the widget. You can see my SnapWidget widget below.

Applications for Education
SnapWidget could be a neat addition to a school or classroom blog. A lot of homecomings are happening at this time of year. If you have students and alumni use the same hashtag for the pictures they take during homecoming activities, those pictures can quickly be displayed on a section of your school's website. In fact, I'm going to suggest this to the alumni coordinator at my alma mater which is hosting homecoming this coming weekend.


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