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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Metta - Create Multimedia Presentations and Save Them In Google Drive

Metta is a digital presentation tool that have been featured here in the past. Metta allows you to combine videos from YouTube, pictures from the web or from your desktop, text, and voice recordings to create a presentation. The latest Metta development allows you to save your presentations in your Google Drive account. To use this option log into Metta by using your Google account at and leave the “Connect to Google Drive” checkbox on.

In addition to YouTube videos, pictures, and voice recordings Metta also provides options for including content from Pinterest and Twitter to use in your final presentation. Metta also allows you to insert a quiz into your projects. This means that people viewing your Metta projects can watch a short video clip then answer questions about it before moving onto the next part of the presentation.

Applications for Education
You could have students create Metta projects in which they create book trailers using video clips, images, and their voices. Students could use Metta to create a digital collage of media around a current events topic that they're studying. Metta might also be used by students to create a showcase of their best digital works of the semester.


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