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Sunday 24 November 2013

The Edublog Awards - My Nomination - Vote for Larry

For the tenth year in a row Edublogs is hosting their annual celebration of teachers and school leaders. The Edublogs Awards nomination process is now open. If you're not familiar with the awards they are designed to recognize the work of bloggers in education. Anyone can submit nominations and anyone can vote. I've been fortunate to have been supported by many of you over the last five years and have been the recipient of five "Best Resource Sharing Blog" awards. This year Larry Ferlazzo nominated me again, thank you Larry.

My nomination for the 2013 Edublogs Award for Best Ed Tech / Best Resource Sharing Blog goes to Larry Ferlazzo. He deserves it more than anyone else. He's been blogging far longer than any of the now more popular resource sharing blogs. His lists are free from the SEO-grabbing headlines like "ten awesome sites every teacher must see." Larry's content is always original and he always cites those who help him create his content. Larry's blog is the one that I go to and refer people to when I can't find something in my archives. Larry always has great lists for holidays (American and international), world events, and just about anything related to education. In short, this year I want you to VOTE FOR LARRY!


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