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Tuesday 25 June 2013

EldonReader - Another Google Reader Alternative

The space created closure of Google Reader (just five days left before it's gone for good) is quickly being filled by lots of companies trying to be the "best" Google Reader alternative. EldonReader is the latest entry into this market that I've tried. EldonReader is a free service for organizing and reading your favorite RSS feeds. The display of your RSS subscriptions is very similar to that of Google Reader.

You can import your Google Reader feeds into EldonReader with just a couple of clicks. To import your Google Reader feeds just click the "Import Google Reader" link in the left hand column of your Eldon Reader homepage then authorize Eldon Reader to access your Google Account.

EldonReader makes it easy to discover new content to subscribe to. EldonReader features suggested content in a digital magazine rack display in your laptop's web browser or on your Android tablet (not available as an iOS app, yet). You can also discover new content by simply entering a search term in the EldonReader search box.

EldonReader isn't the slickest alternative you'll find to Google Reader, that prize goes to FlipBoard, but it could be good for folks who want a simple interface like that found in Google Reader.


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