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Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Vidque - Create a Library of Educational Videos

Vidque is a new service that aims to help users curate their own collections of the best videos available on the Internet. Vidque allows users to grab videos from YouTube,, TED, and Vimeo to put into their own collections that they can share with others. You could also think of it the way TechCrunch did in describing Vidque as video bookmarking.

What makes Vidque unique compared to other video collection services like VodPod is that Vidque uses the videos you grab to help you locate more videos. In other words, Vidque tracks your video preferences to help you find more videos you'll like. Vidque also allows users to follow other users, share videos, and place rankings on videos. Vidque uses that information to locate the best videos to feature in each channel on the homepage.

Watch the video below for an overview of Vidque.

Applications for Education
Vidque could be a great way to build a library of educational videos to share with your students. Vidque allows users to grab videos from multiple sources so even if YouTube is blocked, you still have some options from which you can grab videos. To get started using Vidque, you may want to check out the Vidque education channel.

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