Using data from the Pew Research Center, Technorati, and other organizations, Focus has produced an infographic about Internet use and Internet access in 2009. The State of the Internet 2009 highlights who uses the Internet and how much they use it. Some of the statistics that may be of interest to educators are: average broadband speed in the US is only one third the speed of that found in France and just one fifteenth the speed of that found in Japan. Another key statistic while not ground-breaking is representative of one of the challenges facing those of us in poorer districts, broadband access is lowest among households earning less than $30,000/year. View the complete infographic here.
Mashable, which is where I first learned about this infographic, has some commentary on the infographic that you might also be interested in reading.
» The State of the Internet 2009
The State of the Internet 2009
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