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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

500+ Cool Infographics

Earlier today I was on Randy Krum's Cool Infographics blog. Cool Infographics always has neat infographics and commentary about what makes an effective infographic. As I was browsing the blog I noticed that Randy Krum now has a substantial collection of infographics pinned on Pinterest. The Cool Infographics Pinterest page has more than 500 infographics pinned to it.

Applications for Education
Infographics can be a good source of discussion and research prompts in a classroom. Creating infographics can be a good way for students to try to organize data and other information that they have gathered. If you're looking for infographics to use as prompts or as models for your students' work, take a look at the Cool Infographics Pinterest page.

For ideas on teaching with infographics visit The New York Times Learning Network's Teaching With Infographics page. I also recommend looking at the extensive page of resources about teaching with infographics that Kathy Schrock has created.


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