Breaking News
Monday, 3 December 2012

Some Seats Still Available for Google Drive and the Common Core

This morning I received a couple of email asking if there are still seats available for my new online course Google Drive and the Common Core. Yes, there are still six seats available for the December course that starts on Thursday. Eleven seats are currently available for the January course. Course highlights and registration information is included below.

Course Highlights
Creating and sharing documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.
Using Google Documents and Presentations for collaborative writing and reading exercises.
Using Google Forms and Spreadsheets for collecting and analyzing data.
Using Google Documents as a publishing platform.
Managing the flow of files in your Google Drive.
Registration is limited to 25 students per course.

This course is designed for educators who:
*Are new to using Google Drive/ Documents.
*Have previously used Google Drive/ Documents but would like a refresher course.
*Would like to learn how Google Drive/ Documents can be used to help their students meet ELA Common Core Standards.

Course Schedule
Google Drive and the Common Core is a three hour webinar series.
The December course will be taught in two 1.5 hour sessions beginning on December 6.
The January course will be taught in three 1 hour sessions beginning on January 9.
The original offerings have sold out. There is a third section now available starting on January 10. There are 5 seats available as of December 24, 2012

All students will be able to download PDFs of how-to guides, access the previous week's recorded webinar, and participate in a course discussion forum.
Registration is limited to 25 students per course.

The cost to register for either the December or January course is $87 USD per student.
Click here to register for the December course.
Click here to register for the January course. 
The original offerings have sold out. There is a third section now available starting on January 10. There are 5 seats available as of December 24, 2012

Payments can be made with a personal credit card, with a school district credit card, or with PayPal. Checks and purchase orders can be accepted however the cost of registration is $15 higher to cover additional processing associated with those payments.
Please contact me directly at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers (dot) com with questions about course registration and or payment processing.

Google Drive and Common Core Flyer


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